Free Demo
Retail Analytics Solution

Unlock growth opportunities and drive revenue growth

One effortless instore management solution

We turn your retail stores into a data system using our cutting-edge AI technology

The simplest, real-time,
enterprise video
management solution
Add AI-powered solution to your existing cameras

Maximize data integration and access insights with multiple output formats.

Transparency and visibility in real-time
Gain insight into your store’s performance by taking a look at key metrics

Over 30 metrics available that allowed retail strategists to visualize and evaluate store performance at a single glance.

Increase your team’s engagement and accountability
Go beyond data to actionable insights

Retailers using SpaceSight have seen an increase of over 20% in operational productivity and profitability.

Simplify your inspection with real-time reporting built for teams
Put your inspection teams in control

Automate reminders for timely inspections, quickly identify flagged items, and receive scores and completion rates.

SpaceSight Best Practice

  • 💻 Desktop
  • 📱 Mobile

AI-automated auditing to eliminate potential risks

SpaceSight offers over 20 AI-powered audit detections to help minimize safety risks.

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Dive deep into data 

to extract 

actionable insights

Unlock limitless potentials with our optimized framework, enabling you to have actionable plans. 
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Ensure every task is tracked

Assigning an inspection task and tracking its status can be efficiently managed through task management.

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Get real-time insights into store operations

Perform a detailed multi-dimensional comparison of daily store operations to highlight your unique operational strategies.

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Designed for efficient 

store operations

SpaceSight streamlines store issue resolution with digital inspection management and visual reporting, ensuring full control over every process step.

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SpaceSight Best Practice

  • 💻 Desktop
  • 📱 Mobile

AI-automated auditing to eliminate potential risks

SpaceSight offers over 20 AI-powered audit detections to help minimize safety risks.

Dive deep into data 

to extract 

actionable insights

Unlock limitless potentials with our optimized framework, enabling you to have actionable plans. 

Ensure every task is tracked

Assigning an inspection task and tracking its status can be efficiently managed through task management.

Get real-time insights into store operations

Perform a detailed multi-dimensional comparison of daily store operations to highlight your unique operational strategies.

Designed for efficient 

store operations

SpaceSight streamlines store issue resolution with digital inspection management and visual reporting, ensuring full control over every process step.

Get Your Solution Now
Over 1,500+ teams are using SpaceSight
  • 蔚来汽车
  • 极星汽车
  • 集度汽车
  • 福特汽车
  • 比亚迪
  • 阿维塔
  • 壳牌
  • 路特斯
  • 特来电
  • 途虎养车
  • 美东汽车
  • 施耐克
  • 雅诗兰黛
  • 资生堂
  • 欧莱雅
  • olay
  • 养生堂
  • 植物医生
  • 无印良品
  • Sweaty Betty
  • GXG
  • 迪卡侬
  • 波士顿
  • 太平鸟
  • 元气森林
  • 联合利华
  • 维达
  • 可口可乐
  • P&G
  • 蒙牛
  • 美的
  • 格力
  • 海尔
  • OPPO
  • 飞利浦
  • 海盗虾饭
  • 海底捞
  • 西贝
  • 五芳斋
  • 老娘舅
  • 德克士
  • 牛排家
  • 小吊梨汤
  • 陈记顺和
  • 小满手工粉
  • 田老师
  • 喜家德
  • 沃尔玛
  • Carrefour
  • 世纪联华
  • 大润发
  • 万宁 Mannings
  • 罗士
  • 屈臣氏
  • 中免国际
  • 珠海免税
  • 百联集团
  • Swire Group
  • 新天地

Let's get started today

Whale SpaceSight
AI driven retail analytis solution that unlock opportunities and drive revenue growth.